Minecraft PE is a game, where minecraft beat everygame with endless possibilities, for some people minecraft is a block game but the core gameplay is the best for every age, you wouldn't need a storyline to play it again and again. Over the last ten years, the game received an enormous amount of content like new block, mob and amazing features. You can design and build your imaginary world you can create amazing structure explore your new world.
What is Camouflage Door & Trapdoor Addon?
This addon added different custom doors and custom trapdoors with vanilla blocks texture to make a camouflage door & trapdoor, so you can easily make a hidden room with these doors. There are variety of doors to choose so you can hide your base in any environment.
Note :-
Take note that this addon doesn’t replaced vanilla doors, and trapdoors it added different type of doors with vanilla blocks texture to make a camouflage door.
Most Doors have Trapdoor type, a few aren't because some blocks have different textures of side from its top like bookshelf, so there's no bookshelf trapdoor hence its top texture is just a plank and we have planks trapdoor.
- Andesite
- Basalt (all type)
- Bedrock
- Blackstone (all type)
- Block of Coal
- Block of Diamond
- Block of Emerald
- Block of Gold Iron
- Block of Lapis Lazuli
- Block of Netherite
- Block of Quartz (all type except smooth)
- Block of Redstone
- Bone Block
- Bookshelf (no trapdoor type)
- Brick
- Calcite
- Clay Block
- Coarse Dirt
- Cobblestone
- Concrete (all colors)
- Concrete Powder (all colors)
- Deepslate (all type)
- Deepslate Ores (all type)
- Diorite
- Dirt
- End Stone
- End Stonebrick
- Granite
- Gravel
- Honeycomb
- Log/Stem (all type)
- Moss Block
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Mossy Stonebrick
- Nether Brick (all type)
- Netherrack
- Nether Wart Block
- Obsidian
- Ores (all type)
- Planks (all type)
- Prismarine (all type)
- Polished Andesite
- Polished Diorite
- Polished Granite
- Purpur Block (all type)
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone (all type)
- Rooted Dirt
- Sand
- Sandstone (all type)
- Snow
- Smooth Stone
- Stone
- Stonebricks (all type)
- Terracotta (unstained & all colors)
- Tuff
- Warped Wart Block
- Wool (all colors)
To craft camouflage doors and trapdoors you need Camouflage Door Crafter first, it is a block, another type of crafting table which can only be used to craft different various of Camouflage Door and Trapdoor.
Here's how to craft Camouflage Door Crafter.
Use this crafting table to craft doors and trapdoors the pattern are same as vanilla, just use corresponding blocks to craft doors you wanted. For example use dirt to craft Dirt Door, stone to craft Stone Door and so on.